Posted in Arduino

Sneak peak: TinyLoadr Shield 3.0 prototype

Note: The ArduinoISP Deluxe Shield has a new name: TinyLoadr Shield! Read more about it here. I’ve been pretty busy lately, but one thing I’ve been playing with is an experimental new version of my ArduinoISP Deluxe TinyLoadr Shield. Here’s a sneak peak at the bare PCB. FYI, all of those traces are hand-routed. This is […]

Docs: How to use the TinyLoadr Shield

Note: The ArduinoISP Deluxe Shield has a new name: TinyLoadr Shield! Read more about it here. Introduction This tutorial will show you how to upload the Blink example sketch to an AVR microcontroller using the ArduinoISP Deluxe Shield TinyLoadr Shield.

Build Instructions: TinyLoadr Shield Kit

Note: The ArduinoISP Deluxe Shield has a new name: TinyLoadr Shield! Read more about it here. These are the build instructions for the ArduinoISP Deluxe TinyLoadr Shield kit. These instructions assume that the user has a basic knowledge of soldering. If you do not know how to solder, then check out this great guide by Sparkfun before continuing.

Simon Says Game Kit

This page currently only contains the source code for the Simon Says game kit which you can find here. If you’re looking for the build instructions for the kit, click here! If you’re looking for where to buy the kit, click here! Remember, your support helps me to keep making cool products like this!

Build Instructions: Simon Says Game Kit

These are the build instructions for the Simon Says game kit v1.0 and 1.5. While this kit is for beginners, these instructions assume that the user has a basic knowledge of soldering. If you do not know how to solder, then check out this great guide by Sparkfun before continuing.

TinyLoadr Shield Updated!

Now with LED indicators (heartbeat, error, and programming) and ATtiny2313/4313 support!

Tutorial: Send SMS from your Arduino using an old Motorola cell phone

Sending text messages from your Arduino can be a bit of a hassle. In this tutorial, I’ll show you a simple way to send text messages with your Arduino for around $20.

ArduinoISP Deluxe Shield

Tired of using a breadboard and setting it up with a crystal and caps every time I wanted to program a barebones ATmega328P or an ATtiny, I decided to make this shield.